Recommending Books Based on my Favourite Movies (I Have the Best Taste 🥰)

Sometimes I have these spontaneous moments of motivation and I start drafting a blog post - but then that motivation leaves as quickly as it comes and the draft gets lost in my sea of tabs. This draft, however, has just been popping up every three days, and I can't seem to lose sight of… Continue reading Recommending Books Based on my Favourite Movies (I Have the Best Taste 🥰)

Discussion Post: Talking About Diversity, Inclusivity, and Representation in YA Fantasy + 13 Diverse Recommendations!

Through a research survey conducted by Marshall University, it was found that most YA literature was written for an audience of white, middle-class teens. Which is also the reason most people turn to Fantasy for escapism rather than relatability. No, teens don't relate to fighting vampires, but they do relate to seeing themselves, and their… Continue reading Discussion Post: Talking About Diversity, Inclusivity, and Representation in YA Fantasy + 13 Diverse Recommendations!