Blog Tour: The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman + Giveaway

Thank you so much to Turn the Page Tours, as well as the author and publisher for giving me a copy of ‘The Infinity Courts’ in exchange for an unbiased, and honest review!! This is my stop for the tour, and you can click the banner below to view the full schedule, and explore other posts!!

Title: The Infinity Courts
Author: Akemi Dawn Bowman
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Series: The Infinity Courts trilogy
Publication Date: April 6, 2021
Final Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis (via Goodreads):

Eighteen-year-old Nami Miyamoto is certain her life is just beginning. She has a great family, just graduated high school, and is on her way to a party where her entire class is waiting for her—including, most importantly, the boy she’s been in love with for years.

The only problem? She’s murdered before she gets there.

When Nami wakes up, she learns she’s in a place called Infinity, where human consciousness goes when physical bodies die. She quickly discovers that Ophelia, a virtual assistant widely used by humans on Earth, has taken over the afterlife and is now posing as a queen, forcing humans into servitude the way she’d been forced to serve in the real world. Even worse, Ophelia is inching closer and closer to accomplishing her grand plans of eradicating human existence once and for all.

As Nami works with a team of rebels to bring down Ophelia and save the humans under her imprisonment, she is forced to reckon with her past, her future, and what it is that truly makes us human. From award-winning author Akemi Dawn Bowman comes an incisive, action-packed tale that explores big questions about technology, grief, love, and humanity.

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What I liked

The atmospheric and immersive worldbuilding. I think the worldbuilding was by far, the best part of this book. It was unique, and explored with so much detail. Illustrative and lush, Infinity was described to the tiniest details, and the imagery created was just so vivid. I honestly don’t think I need to say more, it was perfect.

The relationships between all the characters. One of the most explored themes in The Infinity Courts was of love. Not just romantic love, but also love for your family, and platonic love. In the novel, you can see how deeply Nami’s thoughts and actions are affected by how much she cares for her sister, and how she doesn’t want to jeopardize the lives, or futures, of ANYONE she loves.

The pacing. I’m not a huge fan of slow-paced books, and The Infinity Courts was a book filled with twists, turns and exciting new reveals. I do like some slow-paced novels, if they’re done alright of course, but usually, I don’t. I’m also not a huge fan of fast-paced books, because they tend to feel “rushed”, at points. However, The Infinity Courts was fast-paced in the best way possible. While we got to feel the scenes of battle and training with a sense of thrill, we were also able to feel loss, and grieve with the characters, which is something I absolutely adored.

What wasn’t my cup of tea

Not being able to see enough of Nami’s connection, and love towards the people in her past. Like Eleanor mentioned in her review, I think if we saw more of Nami’s connection with people like Ophelia, and Mei, it would help increase her characters complexity, and help justify some of the choices she made. Yes, in the book it’s mentioned that Nami loved both Ophelia, and her family very much, but we only get to see this bond for the first 20 pages. I think if maybe we got to see more of this bond, it would help make a larger impact towards the middle and end. That’s not to say certain events in the beginning didn’t move me – I was about 40 pages in, when I’d already cried twice, and was on the verge of both having a mental breakdown, and finishing a box of tissues, so…


Filled with illustrative, atmospheric, and immersive worldbuilding, Infinity was the perfect world to get lost in for hours on end. The Infinity Courts was also fast-paced in the best way possible. While we got to feel the scenes of battle and training with a sense of thrill, we were also able to feel loss, and grieve with the characters, which is something I absolutely adored. One of the most explored themes in The Infinity Courts was of love. Not just romantic love, but also love for your family, and platonic love. Although everything else was perfect, something I would have loved to see is more of Nami’s connection with people like Ophelia, and Mei, because it would help increase her characters complexity, and help justify some of the choices she made. I think if maybe we got to see more of this bond, it would help make a larger impact towards the middle and end of the novel.

About the Author

Akemi Dawn Bowman is a critically-acclaimed author who writes across genres. Her novels have received multiple accolades and award nominations, and her debut novel, STARFISH, was a William C. Morris Award Finalist. She has a BA in social sciences from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and currently lives in Scotland with her husband and two children. She overthinks everything, including this bio. You can find Akemi on Instagram @AkemiDawnBowman.

Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads


Have you read The Infinity Courts yet? What are some of your favourite sci-fi novels? What are other books you’ve read with super atmospheric worldbuilding?

23 thoughts on “Blog Tour: The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman + Giveaway”

  1. I agree with your review so much Ahaana! Gosh the worldbuilding was just so unique and fascinating, and I’m so excited to see how Bowman will take it further in the sequel! And the pacing was just WHEW, so fast 😅 I adored Sura and Nami’s dynamic so there BETTER be more of them coming up lol. (Plus the whole thing with Gil… 🙈) And thanks for mentioning my review 😊 it would definitely have made sense for more Ophelia and Nami interactions when the former wasn’t Siri gone wrong 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ahh that’s how i felt with yours haha!! the worldbuilding was SO unique, and had so much potential, plus was super impressive for a debut SFF novel!! i also loved seeing the friendship between nami and sura, so i can’t wait to see more of that – and omg 😳 the thing with gil left me shocked haha!! eleanor, i loved your review, so it was no problem!! thank you so much!! ❤️

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  2. I honestly have lost the connection between sci-fi books this year . . . But I might try The Infinity Courts since you liked it ❤️ Lovely review as always!

    Liked by 1 person

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